Craig Goldman Earns Endorsement from all CD 12 GOP Senators


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Senator Phil King, Senator Kelly Hancock, Senator Drew Springer

(Fort Worth) – In his campaign for Congress, Craig Goldman today announced the endorsements of Republican State Senators Kelly Hancock, Phil King, and Drew Springer. Together, these respected conservative senators represent all territory contained within Congressional District 12.

Senator Phil King said, “I am strongly endorsing Craig Goldman for Congress. I first met Craig years ago when he worked for Senator Phil Gramm, long before we were in the Legislature. Since then, we’ve worked together to advance conservative principles. I know Craig to be a strong pro-life advocate, committed to border security, and a passionate defender of Israel. Terry and I have traveled to Israel with Craig when Lockheed delivered the first F-35. Most recently, in light of the brutal attacks by Hamas, we collaborated on a joint House/Senate resolution making clear that Texas stands with Israel, a resolution now considered the national model for states. Terry and I have known Craig Goldman for many years, and we are proud to endorse our longtime friend.”

Senator Kelly Hancock stated, “I’m pleased to announce my endorsement of Craig Goldman for Congress. He is a consistent conservative, humble and authentic. The district I represent – SD 9 – is the only state senate district wholly contained within Tarrant County, and for years Craig and I have teamed up to fight for this region’s interests and values. With his deep Fort Worth community roots and conservative record, I know he will work to keep Tarrant County as a Republican stronghold. I look forward to having Craig as our next 12th District Congressman.”

Senator Drew Springer said, “Craig Goldman will be a fantastic Congressman, and I strongly urge my Parker County constituents to support him. On every major conservative battle across the years, Craig has been in the trenches with me and fellow Republicans, pushing for a conservative agenda: lower taxes, border security, election integrity, defending life, education reform, and combatting a long list of liberal policies that endanger our children. Craig Goldman is the highly effective, principled conservative we need in Congress.”

On Monday, Goldman announced that his campaign has raised over $500,000 since announcing his candidacy for Congress in CD 12, a key fundraising milestone achieved in just over two weeks. A small businessman and 4th generation Fort Worth native, Goldman has a long record of authoring and working to pass sweeping conservative legislation that has made Texas the national model for conservative governance. For more information, or to donate to Craig’s campaign, visit